Jiguo Cao

Jiguo Cao's picture
Jiguo Cao
Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair in Biostatistics and Environmetrics
Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences
University of Western Ontario
Sunday 21 April
20:00 to 22:00
Fridolin-Simard A & B

Jiguo Cao is currently an associate professor and Canada Research Chair, Tier II, at Dept. of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, Univ. of Western Ontario, London, ON. His main research interests include statistical inference for differential equations, functional data analysis, and statistical genetics. Jiguo spent three years to obtain his PhD in statistics in 2006 at McGill University under the supervision of Prof. James O. Ramsay. He then did one-year postdoc in statistical genetics with Prof. Hongyu Zhao at Yale University. Jiguo has published 32 papers in high-quality refereed journals, including one read paper at Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, since 2006.